Cloud Studio
How to enable "live-reload" on Carbone Studio?
Carbone Studio Live-Reload
This feature enables the Studio to actively monitor any changes made to a template during uploads or downloads frPopularCarbone Studio Versioning (X.X.X Tags)
In Carbone Studio, you can manage multiple versions of the same template. Each version has a tag number "x.x.x" (can be refered to a version number).
When a template is uploaded for the first time to Carbone Studio, it will get a unique Template ID.
When a template is re-uploaded with changes, it will get a new Template ID, and the previous template will be deleted.
Best practice: When utilizing a template in production for document generation and requiring modifications, it is advFew readersIf I upload templates on Carbone Cloud Studio, can I generate documents with the Carbone Cloud API?
Yes! Template IDs provided by Carbone Cloud Studio are accessible into Carbone Cloud API. Carbone Cloud Studio helps you to manage and design templates.
However, if you upload a template through Carbone Cloud API, template are not accessible into Carbone Cloud Studio.
Learn more about your template storage.Few readersCan I access to Carbone Studio for free?
When you create your Carbone account, you have access to the studio with the free plan.
The studio can be used to:
Design and preview documents
Store and manage templates (you can upload only 2 templates with the free plan)
If you need to upload more templates: you must subscribe to a Carbone Cloud plan.Few readersEnable live-reload on the Brave browser
By default, the Live-reload is disabled for Brave because the File System API is disabled by default. To enable the live-reload, you must enable the file system API:
Write on the search bar brave://flags
Search File System Access API
Change the value to "Enabled"
Click on the reload button
Then you can use the live reload of Carbone Studio, upload a template, then you can edit the template with your text editor, and you will see the generated report with your latest changes!Few readersTemplate ID changed in Carbone Studio
Why the Template ID changed?
When uploading a template to Carbone Studio, the template ID is computed from its content using SHA256 hash. If you update a template to a new version, the previous file is replaced, leading to a new template ID.
For templates used in document generation via Carbone Cloud API, the previous version won't be visible in Carbone Studio but remains accessible through the API and listed in your account. This is a deliberate security measure to ensure the provisionedFew readers
Cloud API
Is there a JSON data size limit when requesting Carbone Cloud API?
When rendering a report with the Carbone Cloud API POST, the maximum data size is 60MB.Few readersCan I try Carbone Cloud API for free?
When creating an account, you can request the Carbone Cloud API freely:
Use the test API key to generate unlimited PDFs documents, 2 limits to acknowledge: ou can only render PDF reports (with the option "convertTo":"pdf" on your body request) and a watermark is applied automatically on the generated report.
Use the production API key to generate any format. Subscribe to the free plan to generate 100 documents for free per monFew readersWhen generating a document, is there a maximum number of pages?
You can generate a document with as many pages as you want.
If you provided a JSON data greater than 800 KB, it will consume two or more documents from your quota.Few readersAPI keys
Carbone Cloud API Keys
Use API keys to authenticate API requests.
Carbone authenticates your API requests using your account’s API keys by joining the header Authorization with the API key as value.
If a request doesn’t include a valid key, Carbone API returns an invalid request error (Status 401).
If a request includes a deleted or expired key, Carbone API returns an authentication error (Status 401).
You can use the Account dashboard to reveal, and roFew readersIs it possible to limit or stop the Carbone API usage?
Can the Carbone API usage be limited or stopped?
Currently, even if your "Document" or "Templates" quota is reached, the Carbone Cloud API usage is not stopped or limited. The API is crafted to offer a seamless, uninFew readersIs there fixed template ID ? Webhooks notification when a template is edited ?
Fixed Template IDs
Currently, when a template is edited, its content changes, causing the Template ID to also change (a SHA256 hexadecimal hash). In 2024, users can expect an important improvement: Fixed Template IDs. This means that even if you modify a template, the Template ID remains constant. This update simplifies version control, eliminating the need to update Template IDs in prodFew readersWhat is the maximum template file size?
The maximum template file size is 20MB when you upload a template through the Carbone Cloud API.Few readersAPI Rate Limits - What is the 429 Too Many Requests ?
When you generate documents through POST the maximum number of parallel request is 100 per IP.
Above that number, a HTTP status code 429 indicates that too many requests have been sent in parallel.
The rate limit will involved in the coming months, and it will depends on:
The duration to generate a document
The number of parallel requests
Your Carbone Cloud subscription pricing
This status code prevents abuse by limiting the number of rFew readers