Service Level Agreements (SLA)
Service Level Agreements
Guarantee of Availability
Carbone Services were designed with stability and performance in mind. Our system leverages automatic healing and fail-over in case of server failure using multiple methods of uptime and performance monitoring. On top of that, our team is working around the clock to prevent and minimize any disruptions and provide optimal performance around the globe.
Availability in this SLA is calculated based on the cumulative Downtime for a given calendar month. Subject to the terms and conditions of this SLA and the TOS, CarboneIO shall issue to Customer a credit for a Downtime (“Service Credit”) based on the percentage availability in a given monthly billing period as follows (credit amounts expressed as a percentage of the fee for the affected Service).
Downtime starts from the moment the incident ticket is opened by CarboneIO. Downtime is considered to be fixed upon the moment when the ticket is closed and the respective notification is sent to the Customer.
The following time periods do not count as Downtime:
Time spent by CarboneIO resolving reports by Customer which do not specify a Defect.
Carbone Services SLA
Carbone Render SLA
For the Carbone Render API, CarboneIO provides a 99.999% uptime guarantee to Customer.
Between 99.999% - 99% availability => 5% service credit
Between 98.99% – 97.0% availability => 15% service credit
Less than 97% => 35% service credit
Carbone Studio SLA
For Carbone Studio, CarboneIO provides a 99.5% uptime guarantee to Customer.
Between 99.5% - 95% availability => 5% service credit
Between 94.99% – 90.0% availability => 10% service credit
Less than 90% => 20% service credit
Service Credit
To receive Service Credit under this Services SLA, Customer must submit a request in writing via e-mail to The request must include Customer’s (a) company name, (b) contact name and (c) e-mail address, as well as (d) the date of the suspected Downtime and (e) a reasonably detailed description of the reason for the Service Credit request. CarboneIO must receive the Service Credit request within 30 Days after the suspected Downtime has occurred. The suspected Downtime must be capable of confirmation by CarboneIO measurement tools. Any issued Service Credit shall be applied to Customer’s next applicable invoice after CarboneIO initially received and reviewed the Service Credit request. Service Credits are exclusive of any Taxes charged to Customer or collected by CarboneIO.
Read Carbone terms of service
Updated on: 02/18/2025
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