Articles on: Tutorials

Why conditional formatters are adding empty lines? (showBegin/hideBegin)

Why conditional formatters are adding empty lines? (showBegin/hideBegin)

First Solution

When using conditional formatters showBegin/showEnd or hideBegin/hideEnd, insert only Break-lines (shift + Enter).

It exist 2 ways to create a line:
Break-line : The new line is part of the current paragraph by hitting shift + Enter. Behind the scenes, Carbone don't have to reorder the XML because everything is in the same paragraph.
New-line : Close the current paragraph and open a new one, the standard "command" is the Enter key. Creating a new paragraph insert automatically a new line. The XML designing the document is getting complex and Carbone has to move and reorder XML parts, which may leave newlines on the final report.

Second solution

Use the drop formatter if you are deleting conditionally paragraphs, table rows, images, charts or shapes. You won't have to deal with new-lines/break-lines.

Updated on: 09/09/2022

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